Tuesday, November 1, 2011

...a thrifty project and faces of G

Here's the before picture of some old shelves I retrieved from the attic. You know the kind---cheap, plastic, flimsy shelves from Wal-Mart. The kind you buy when you're in a hurry and need shelf space and you don't want to put much effort into it. Well, since Caleb has his own apartment now, I have been s-l-o-w-l-y updating his old room. I  painted, added new carpet and put new twin beds in it to use as a guest room when all the kids and grand kids come home to visit. I decided not too long ago to turn this room into my sewing room, too. It isn't used very often as a guest room and I felt like it was wasted space most of the time. I quickly found out I needed some shelves, but didn't want to spend any extra money. For several days I moved existing furniture around (in my mind) from room to room trying to figure out how to squeeze some extra shelving from another room. I just couldn't part with any of my existing shelf space----so----I decided to make a trip up to the attic----and found the above, ugly, brown plastic shelves. But not to worry----I also had some teal paint left over from painting my classroom last summer. And, I am so, so happy with the results. What do ya think? Marley is pleased:)
And, even more exciting----I found an old ornate picture frame that was stored in the attic, too. It was originally painted in golds and browns, ugh! Here comes the paint again:) I discarded the glass and picture that was framed and made a padded, covered bulletin board. All for free!!!
And I love the way it looks!
See my new apron pattern? I'm waiting until I find the perfect fabric...haven't found it yet.
Red and blue might just be my new
favorite color combo!
And, just because he is one of my faves, here are a few pics of G having a great time playing with Nienie.
Take a look at those eye lashes! I'm jealous...
He's trying to act like I'm not in his face taking pictures! Love this guy...

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