Monday, October 31, 2011

...soup success, little "m", and Happy Halloween!

After yesterday's post about the potato soup not cooking in the crock pot--we finally had success after cooking it on the stove top. Maybe I need a new crock pot?? If you are interested in the recipe, click here, the only thing I changed was adding a few more potatoes to allow for more servings, and I used canned chicken broth instead of cubes. I will definitely make this soup again.
And, totally unrelated to the soup, but some really cute shots of M from last weekend...a little playtime while big bro was in school...
He loves to push the basket out and climb through...he's almost too big to play this anymore...
A quick get-a-way as nienie tries to get a fast pic!
Aaawwwweee, how adorable is that cute little face? (very cute, if you ask me:)
Now, it's time to pick out a movie.
Happy Halloween to all...jack-o-lantern courtesy of Darku and Kelsey!!!

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