Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I know these aren't the best pics, but I was shooting inside through a glass window. I love watching the boys at their swim lessons...
M's face was cracking me up! And the instructor was so good with the kids, very full of energy...can you say h-y-p-e-r???
Look at his cheesy smile, I think he had just finished flirting with another little girl in the class next to him:)
He's "movin' and shakin'' in this one, getting ready to jump in, too funny!
Look closely and you can see his flippers...
...practicing floating on his back...
And, here's the only shot I got of G, I guess I was busier watching M play during G's lessons than I was watching G play during M's lessons!
So here's an extra shot of G, he was playing "tie me up" with sissy...notice jewelry doubling as handcuffs...
And, just because I miss her, here is mom relaxing on the deck this summer during our girl's trip...
Hi mom! Love you:)

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