Tuesday, November 8, 2011

...guest/sewing room update

...another found (in the garage) object, a cheap bulletin board that one of the kids had in their bedroom at one time or another...
...you know the kind, the thin, flimsy ones you get at Wal Mart...
...i gave it a couple of coats of paint (remember the leftover paint from my classroom?)...
...i know it's silly, but i got excited as i painted it, knowing that i still haven't spent any money on sprucing up the room--so far, all found objects!...
...and here's a look at it after adding some fabric to cover the ugly cork...
...next up, an awesome table i found in the attic-forgot it was even up there...
...you think there's enough paint to doll this up, too?...well, yes there is!...

...i love, love, love this little table...
...i can't believe i've had it hidden up in the attic! maybe i need to make an inventory list of the stash that's up there so i don't forget all of the fun treasures (sometimes called junk) stored up there...
...and finally, these weren't up in the attic, but I covered some old, dark colored pillows i had with some coordinating fabric, love how it's brightening up the room!...stay tuned--you never know what i might paint next!

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