Sunday, October 30, 2011

...a little quilting, and some soup

I'm making two small quilted table toppers for my bedside tables.
All stitched together by hand, because my machine has been in the shop being cleaned and adjusted.
I love all of the fun colors, including the red!
Since I have my sewing machine back now, I think I'll add the strips by machine, I'm anxious to get them done.
And, this is a potato soup recipe I found on Pinterest, I was going to blog about it. But---it has been in the crock pot on high for 3 hours and hasn't even started to cook. So, I put it in a pot on the stove--me and hubby are getting hungry. I'm glad I tried it while I was home instead of waiting until tomorrow while I would be gone all day to school.  I'll have to let you know how it tastes, if it ever gets done----I can report that it sure smells good!

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