Sunday, January 1, 2012

A very Merry time...

As always, I had a great time during the holidays celebrating with family. Several days were spent in Carrollton visiting the girls and grandsons. This is the first year I didn't take tons of pictures, the boys were so involved in their games and toys, I wanted to play along, too! Jamie was the gracious hostess, as always, and we had a great time relaxing, eating, playing, and visiting. Here are a few pics from Christmas day. You'll notice the "big" kids' pics missing---they were there all right, they just weren't too keen on having their pictures taken!
G and Dada figuring out the new game...
Mama and M playing his game...
G "ooo-hhhing" and "aaahhh-ing" over something:)
G admiring some new clothes...
M with a new train set...
So much fun...
M playing "drums" with mom's new salad set...
Reading a new book...
And, still having a fun time figuring out how to play his newest games...

These 2 boys are growing up way too fast! Can't wait until our next visit. I look forward to seeing what the new year brings to our family!

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