Monday, January 2, 2012

Marley...and Pinterest

I think Marley appreciates all of the time I spend on Pinterest:) Among tons of other ideas I've come across and "just know" I'll have time to try some day, I found a yummy (Marley thinks so anyway) Pumpkin Doggie Treat to bake for her. The above image is the one I pinned from Pinterest, the rest of the pics are mine.
You might think it's a little silly to take time out to bake treats for a dog when you could be baking "real people" food---like awesome tasting cinnamon rolls or chocolate chip cookies. But, if you have ever bought treats for your dog, and that particular dog REALLY likes treats, they can become pretty expensive. Since I was making Pumpkin Bread for "real people" anyway, I thought it would be the perfect time to try out the doggie treat recipe.
I found the recipe on this blog. It was very simple to make. After I filled up the jar with baked treats, I put the extras in the freezer. I'm glad I did because after about a week and a half the few left in the jar began to mold. So, next time I bake them I'll keep a weeks worth in the jar and freeze the rest.
Can you tell she appreciates me?
She definately liked them...
Yummy, yummy!

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