Saturday, January 4, 2014

Scrapping, Cooking, & Reading...

I made a commitment to join Ali Edwards in her year long "One Little Word" workshop for 2014. It sounds like a very enlightening/fun project, and so far I'm enjoying the process. You can read more about it here. I chose "prosper" as my word to focus on for the year. The first two pages in my 2014 album are dedicated to the thinking process of what prosper means to me, and where I would like it to lead me. It's all about mindful thinking and being more intentional in your life-lessons I hope to gain from. Here are my first two pages:

It looks like a lot of writing, but most of the monthly prompts are project oriented. The first month, as you get comfortable with your word, is more about really thinking about what you would like to see evolve for yourself during the process. It involves some soul-searching...I'm incorporating this project with my so they will both be in the same album. I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for me and my family!

Another thing I have really enjoyed while being on break is reading. I got a Barnes & Noble gift card from my hubby for Christmas, and of course I've already spent it, plus more!! Here's the newest Amy Tan book I'm reading:
...and I also scored two new cookbooks to go with my new Kitchenaide mixer, and I got sale prices on all 3 books, score!
I think I'll have to start taking some of my baked goodies to school to put in the teacher's lounge, or feed them to my students. I so enjoy being in the kitchen baking or mixing up something new, but I certainly don't need all of the calories.
I can happily report I have been headache free for 4 days in a row! That is such a husband (and a few close friends) are probably the only ones to really know how they have affected me in the last year--and bless their hearts for putting up with me. I'm getting back my energy and feeling so much better. Yeah for modern medicine!

I'm off to meet Jamie and Joel for dinner. They are in Tulsa for the weekend for a family wedding. They didn't bring the boys, I will miss them dearly, but we can have a real grown-up visit!

Happy Weekend to all!


  1. May you have a prosperous year!

  2. Prosper is a great word! Mine is purpose but I hope I prosper as well!

  3. I think your word PROSPER is so large. I see a suitcase overflowing with good things. I really like your pages too! So nice to meet you. Thankfully I no longer visit teacher lounges!! ; )

  4. Love your pages and your word is great! Can't wait to follow you on your journey!

  5. I like the word prosper, and your pages look lovely. I need to get working on mine!

  6. Great word. I love Amy Tan's books and this one has been on my list for too long. I need to get reading again!
