Saturday, January 19, 2013

...and then he was FOUR!

I'm still behind on posting pictures, but these were so cute I couldn't resist. M turned 4 in December-my, oh, my....where has the time gone? I think they enjoyed playing with the balloons as much as anything. Having the large open space in the new house gave them a lot of room to toss and chase...
...they stayed busy corralling the balloons while mommy and daddy set up for the cookie decorating party...
I think my fave pics from the party were of G waiting for M to blow out his candles. You can see the excitement and anticipation on his face, watching his little brother...
G gets beyond excited and can hardly wait for surprises & celebrations. While M is all about having fun, he is a lot more relaxed-just chillin' and taking it all in... 
I think M is concentrating on making his wish here, he looks so serious as we sing "Happy Birthday" to him...                     
 ...and he blows out the candles!
Not too sure why such a serious face here, but fun was had by all! Happy Birthday to sweet M!

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