Monday, December 31, 2012

Does this ever happen to you?

Christmas Eve at Deda's...
we really wanted a group pic of the little ones,
just one would be great-
we don't get everyone together very often...
After coaxing all of them into the same general area
we thought the rest would be a breeze,
quick and painless
we thought we had it made...
Should it be so challenging
to get everyone's attention at the same time?
Of course, there is always the animated one...
teasing us, making us think we were almost there,
and also one (or two, or three) who could care less...
All of our clapping and snapping and dancing around
did nothing to convince them to all look our way and smile...
especially not all at the same time. 

They were really making us work for it...
Maybe even better than snapping the perfect picture,
was watching their comical faces entertain us
as we waited patiently for group cooperation,
which was not to be had...
At this point, we can tell that it's not going to happen,
not like we thought, anyway...
let's throw a "big kid" into the act and see what happens...
We aren't making perfect pictures,
but we are making perfect memories...
Thanks kids, maybe next year.
Happy Holidays!

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