Saturday, February 4, 2012

a Valentine surprise...

I get to see my grandson's tomorrow! They made the trip to Deda's house for the weekend so I'm heading that way tomorrow to spend the day with them. Since I won't be with them on Valentine's Day I decided to put together a little "heart" treat to take to them. That way I won't have to mail it to them:)

I've had a box of multi-colored DVD envelopes for quite a while, I just knew I would find a good use for them some day...Here's what I put together...I cut a piece of card stock a teeny bit smaller than the envelope...
...slipped the card stock into a sandwich baggie...added some M&M's to cover the top...flipped the envelope over to the back side...
press gently to get the air out of the baggie...seal the baggie...fold the top edge over snugly--tape down the edges...fold over the side in the same way and adhere with more tape...
Flip it back over to view the front, carefully slide it into the envelope...seal the edge of the envelope with more tape...
Voila! isn't that a cute presentation:)
I put their card on the back and secured the two together with some twine...can't wait to give it to them tomorrow:)
Happy early Valentine's Day!

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