Tuesday, December 13, 2011

...still celebrating

Here are a few more pics of the birthday "weekend" for sweet little M....he adores Spider-Man, so of course we didn't want to disappoint this cute little fellow...This next picture really cracks me up, it shows his reaction to mommy and daddy's big present for him as they came around the corner with it...he was beyond excitement!
...Happy Boy! He couldn't wait to get his hands on it. It's the cutest Fire House Station you've ever seen, complete with a workout room and potty:)
It's as close to a doll house as Jamie is going to get...but, seriously it was the coolest thing, full of furniture, exercise equipment, emergency vehicles, ect. They will play with it for hours.
I think the entire family will have fun...
Daddy even helped arrange some of the furniture:)
His favorite piece out of the entire set up was this cute little dalmation puppy! He started carrying it everywhere with him. He opened so many gifts I'm not sure where we're going to put all of the Christmas presents! I'll finish up in a couple of days with more pics from the gymnatics party!

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