Sunday, October 16, 2011

...a work in progress

It seems like I've been busy lately, to say the least. Not a lot to show for it, just "life". My summer seemed so short-changed, getting back into the school groove was more of a challenge this year. Or, maybe I'm just getting slower! Anyway, I miss documenting my little projects along the way, so I'm going to attempt to get back on track. I've been making a ton of these little yo-yo squaresand have started putting them together into rows. It's going slowly, but I love working with all of the different colors. I have 4 long rows so far, at the rate I'm going it will take a year to finish it. I've been interrupting the process to work on projects for Christmas gifts, which I can't reveal until after Christmas! I've also added quilting back into my life so I seem to "float" from one project to the next before completing anything, a little A.D.D., maybe? Here is a longer view, there are actually three more rows tucked behind the chair to keep it from falling while I took thepicture. And speaking of A.D.D., I worked on this little fall project while my pics loaded on the blog. I just have a very difficult time sitting still! And, switching from projects to family, Caleb came home from Norman this weekend to spend some much needed bonding time with us. We went out to celebrate Kelsey's 20th birthday!Thanks for the pose, kids!

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