Sunday, February 13, 2011

...he's a player

These pics are from a few weeks ago...G loves to play UNO and he's good at it! He would ask to play over and over. And, he knows what he's doing, and he really concentrates and thinks about what to play next.
So much fun! But, it's taking him further and further away from being "little" to being "big". It's kinda sad, because he's growing up--but at the same time, it's exciting because he's growing and learning so much.
And, while we were playing cards, M would keep himself busy with his drawing or coloring. Every once in a while he wanted his own stack of "cards", but he liked to play by himself!
Soon, I'm sure G and M will be playing each other--that will be fun to watch. They are growing up waaaayyy too fast for me!
I adore these guys!

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