Sunday, October 17, 2010

Anniversary Adventure

I can't believe its been so long since I've checked in here. I guess school is keeping me as busy as I thought it was!!! I'll try to be better about updating, but no promises!
We decided to take a short day trip Saturday for out 12th anniversary. We didn't really have any set plans, just wanted to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. We began with lunch at Hideaway. It's always so yummy. And.....we ran into our neighbors there, that was a nice surprise. After lunch we decided to check out the Livesay Orchards in Porter. I've been there before on field trips with the elementary kids, but Roger had never been. I've always been during apple picking time, usually in September--but was curious to see their pumpkin patch. I was also hoping to see some fall colors, but all of the trees looked just like the ones in my front yard.....not pretty, just dying and brown. They did have a lot of pumpkins around for photo opportunities and it was fun to see the little kids get excited about picking out just the right pumpkin to take home. We decided not to go to the pumpkin patch since you could only get there by paying for the wagon ride to take you there! We settled on some tiny pumpkins for decoration:

...and some apples for making apple butter! I'll let you know how that project goes!!!
They had some cute activities for the young kids and a hay maze to explore, we opted out. Who knew a trip to the orchard would go so quickly for 2 adults, and no children to join in the festivities. It was kind of a strange feeling, like something was missing...
As we were leaving we spotted the pumpkin patch down the road a bit. Roger stopped so I could take a couple of pictures. He didn't think it was even the "real" patch. It looked liked someone had gone along and tossed pumpkins out the back of the truck!!
We made it back home to watch the OU game and enjoy our Sonic ice cream! A fun and relaxing day was had by all!!!

1 comment:

  1. will you be bringing some of that apple butter next weekend? love ya!
