Monday, March 1, 2010

.....a dear, a deer, and a layout

We had a very laid back, relaxing weekend. It was the first one in a while that the weather wasn't snowy or I didn't have anything in particular planned to do. We were lucky too, Caleb came home to visit and none of his buddies were "home" for the weekend, so he spent the entire time with us. It was really nice to have the four of us hanging out together, nothing extra special, just being together. He comes home less often as time goes on, so I really cherish the time he is here. Not looking forward to the last one leaving the nest.....
Roger had been noticing some "droppings" in the middle of the yard while going out to get our mail this week. He thought maybe we had had some visitors......and as you can see, I caught them in action with my camera tonight. There were 3 or four deer just hanging out in the front yard. It was already dark so the pics came out almost totally black-- with 2 big shiny circles (eyes). I lightened them up as much as I could--not perfect, but enough to see that they were really there.....
And finally, I finished another layout this evening of G with his art easel. He loves to draw and color....and two weeks from today, they will be here to visit. I can't wait!

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